Canadian Made furniture is different, in a GOOD way!
For over 25 years, we at Prestige have been forging & building relationships with Canada’s premier furniture manufacturers because we know the difference…
These factories use time honoured techniques to craft and assemble pieces that are designed to look amazing and stand the test of time. Many hand-select the kiln-dried cherry, maple and red oak hardwoods they work with and continually invest in adding state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment to their facilities. And they’ll never forget that the only thing equal to the precision and accuracy of modern manufacturing process is the technique and attention to detail that comes from having a reverence for old world craftsmanship. Furniture made in Canada is different!
These amazing craftsman have been working for decades to combine state of the art technology using CAD programs to design & develop new collections & pieces to CNC machines to ensure precision and accuracy in each cut. They’re combine the “Olde World” craftsmanship with “New School” tech by automating & hand sanding each piece before applying finishes using advanced technologies including post-catalyzed vinyl sealers and post catalyzed conversion varnishes that give each piece that hand-crafted look & feel.
This isn’t the run of the mill, mass produced in a factory an ocean away furniture…It’s Different! Visit a showroom today & we’ll show you the difference that “Made in Canada” can make
Commitment to Quality
Furniture Made in Canada